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It Started With Love,

and anxiety. I know you're probably thinking who was anxious? It was Luckie, a four week old puppy abandoned by his mama. In my mind I thought I was saving him, but in reality he saved me. Luckie was the runt of the litter, and his birth mama began to neglect him by first trying to starve him; followed by, trying to suffocate him. So when  I took him home, he was on a bottle and in diapers, and needed care like a baby. At this point I realized it takes a village to raise a furbaby too. 


I had a typical 9-5, and was tired of sitting at a computer all day because it was unfulfilling. I wanted a career where I could take Luckie with me. At that moment, The Collar Club was born. You can't run a business by yourself, so me, my mother, and our fur village decided to build The Collar Club together. This is our legacy, and will be our kids legacy, and their kids legacy after that. Reason being, it takes a village to help raise other pet parents furbabies as well.


While at The Collar Club, your furbaby feels loved because we are all easy going, patient, and empathetic. We keep your babies active, and make play and exercise a top priority. Health and quality of life are always leading factors. Just as it started with love, it always ends with love. We'll always be here to accept you into our family with open arms. 

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